Wilson & Wilson Tax Services, Inc.

713.622.9987 (wwts)
We Are Here From The Beginning...
       Of Your Financial Planning
financial recordkeeping services
       for small businesses
current & effective tax strategies
       Over 50 plus years of cumulative experience
how we plan today
       can shape the life we desire


Wilson & Wilson Tax Services, Inc. is a full service tax and financial record-keeping firm. We believe that your business’ fiscal operations should be as sophisticated but not as complicated as a large, Fortune 500 company. With this philosophy in mind, we provide services to assist your business in accomplishing its fiscal objectives.

Many of our clients outsource their entire tax and financial record keeping functions to us because of our highly trained and experienced personnel. In addition, when making the decision to outsource tax and financial record-keeping functions, it is important to take into consideration that our fees are economical and that we provide a multitude of benefits including acute accuracy and attention to detail with timeless and strict adherence to confidentiality.

If you are in need of assistance with tax compliance, explanation and interpretation, tax planning, and/or financial planning, your search has ended with Wilson & Wilson Tax Services, Inc.

Contact Us today and speak to one of our highly trained and responsive representatives.


...a mistake on your tax return can flag you to be audited?

One small mistake on your tax file can end up costing you money. Improperly filing your taxes can trigger an audit and cause you to pay additional taxes, interest, and penalties.

..improper calculations are the most common tax return error?

Entering the wrong number or doing the math incorrectly is easy to do with so many tax forms and the requisite transferring of numbers from one document to another.

...a good financial record-keeper can help you make better decisions by using current, effective, and correct tax strategies?

Those who still do their taxes the “manual” way increase the risk of making an error somewhere on their tax forms and can end up not getting the maximum tax refund that they deserve. Not only could this cause you to overpay on your taxes, it could also result in additional penalties and interest charges.